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我最崇拜的人科比演講稿 (英語)

首頁 > 交通法規2021-05-03 23:34:33


王者科比 如果有人問我:我最喜歡的籃球運動員是誰?我會毫不猶豫地告訴他是科比。 喜歡他那絢麗的動作,喜歡他那扣籃時的霸氣,喜歡他那精準的三分,喜歡他那黝黑的臉龐。 科比仿佛是一個得分機器,早在高中三年級,他的得分能力就已經受到籃球界的關注。因為在那一年的州賽中,科比平均每場狂攬31.1分。而在他四年級時場均30.8分,也使他將自己高中四年的總得分提高到了2883分,這一成績也打破了由張伯倫保持了40年之久的總得分記錄。高中畢業后直接進入NBA的科比,再一次將自己的得分能力展現在世人面前。其中以05-06賽季尤為突出,先是在主場屠小牛,前三節就砍下62分(其中第三節砍下30分);接著降猛龍,全場砍下81分,不僅幫助球隊反敗為勝,而且創下了個人得分的新高;然后在和76人、快船打“背靠背”的比賽中分別砍下48分和50分。 科比不僅是一個得分機器,而且還是一位記錄創造者。 科比可以說是NBA現役球員中創造記錄最多的一個,而科比創造記錄最多的一個賽季應該是02-03賽季。在那一個賽季,科比幾乎每一天都在創造著記錄:成為最年輕的總分達到10000分的球員;創造連續命中9個三分球和單場12個三分球的聯盟記錄;創造球隊歷史上半場得到42分的記錄;連續九場得分達到或超過40分,位列NBA歷史第四;連續十三場得分達到或超過35分,同樣位列NBA歷史第四;成為繼魔術師之后第一個連續兩場打出三雙的球員等等,諸如此類記錄還有很多。說到這,我想你或許會感到不可思議,甚至感到懷疑,但是科比他確確實實做到了,而且,我相信科比還會繼續創造記錄、刷新紀錄。 或許,有人會懷疑科比是否真的能帶領球隊走向總冠軍;或許,有人認為科比太過于個人主義只懂得不斷地去得分。但是無論人們怎么去抨擊科比。永遠改變不了科比在他fans的心目中的地位。我也相信科比會用勝利來證明自己,讓那些懷疑、抨擊他的人選擇自動退出。
[全名]Kobe Bean Bryant Cox
[身高]6英尺6英寸/198cm (官方資料)
[女兒] 納塔利亞·戴蒙特·布萊恩特/吉娜·瑪利亞·奧諾爾·布萊恩特
[學歷]費城勞爾梅里恩(Lower Merion)高中畢業/UCLA國際貿易輟學


The king of NBA
As the leader of Los Angelas Lakers,Kobe Brayant plays an important role in NBA.He was born on 23 August,1978 in Philadelphia.He srarted to play baketball ever since he was a child.His father who was once a basketball player influenced his life deeply.
Kobe’s study at Lower Merion Hifg School brought him a lucky beginning.He became the 27th man who set foot in NBA as a senior scholol student directly.Since then,his successful career began.In 1996,he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overrall by Charlotte Hornets.And then he was transferred to Lakers because of good playing skills.
During the first season with Lakers,he didn’t get many opportunities.Instead,he played in limited minutes initially.When he entered the professional level ,he flt that the expectations took the fun out of playing.But he didn’t lose his confidence.Fotunenately,this sort of situation changed as the season continued.He used high scores to show his talents to the world.
However,he didn’t want to live in the shadow of the past achievements.So he played harder and harder to live up to his reputation.He even scored 81 in the game against Totonto Raptors.Although he felt tired with all the pressure falling on him,he said he wouldn’t give up.It is obvious that he has the ability to bring his team back to the top.Kobe can and must achieve his goal.We are all waiting for that moment.
作為湖人隊的領袖,Kobe Brayant在NBA中扮演著重要的角色。他出生于23月,1978在費城。他srarted玩baketball自從他是個孩子,他的父親曾經是一名籃球運動員的深深影響了他的生命。
在Lower Merion梅里高中學習科比給他帶來了一個幸運的開始。他成為了他踏上NBA作為一個高級scholol學生直接第二十七人。此后,他成功的職業生涯的開始。在1996,他被選為第十三新秀overrall Charlotte Hornets。然后他被轉移到湖人,因為好演奏技巧。


Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant. His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya and Sharia, moved to Italy, where his father began playing professional basketball. He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in Italian. At an early age, he learned to play soccer and his favorite team was AC Milan. Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player. In 1991, the Bryants moved back to the United States. A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national recognition. While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges, the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA





